vision -1 grade _10 multiple choice test
{ Cloze test }
Today, a lot of animals are dying out. The Californian condor, a type of unique bird, and the Siberian tiger are two of such animals. Certain kinds of wolves and bears are also on the ___11___ list. Some of these animals are ___12___ in number because people have been hunting them down for their fur and ___13___. Others were killed in large numbers in the past because they were ___14___ to human life. If have humans stop killing the animals, their number will ___15___ go up.
{ Reading }
In 1876 George Bernard Shaw, a young man of 20, came to London from his birthplace in Dublin, Ireland, looking for his fortune as a writer. He was to become the most famous writer for the theater. His first attempts were not at plays, however, and when his name did begin to be known it was for his essays, books, and speeches on behalf of the Fabian Society. As a young man Shaw saw the need for changes and reforms in government, and when he became a socialist he joined the Fabian Society, which had come into being to make the ideas of socialism more widely known and better understood. Politics was not Shaw's only interest, for he loved art, music, and theater and wrote about these subjects for newspapers and magazines. He himself had a very clear mind, and he wanted to make other people think as clearly as he did about all kinds of subjects. It was for this that he began writing plays, for he felt that he could best do it through them.
English book Grade-10

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